Today I was trying to update a web reference of custom web services in my project but because of some reason visual studio 2010 wasn't getting the latest methods I added even though I could see them using browser. Hence to get around problem I converted WSDL file into C# class and then into a dll.
You can target dll to any framework you would like. In order to get DLL in .Net 4.0 framework try following steps;
For getting you library dll in.Net 4.0 framework you will require Visual Studio 2010 tools installed on your machine, however for it in .Net 3.5 framework you will need Visual Studio 2008.
- Open Visual Studio Command prompt as a administrator by going to Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010).
- Put your WSDL file in somewhere accessible e.g. in this case I will put it in my C drive and getting output CS class in C drive too but you can change it. Type this command and press okay,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>wsdl /l:C# /out:C:\OutPutClassName.cs C:\myWebService.wsdl - Above command will generate a CS class in your C drive, now if you want to convert this class into dll in .Net 4.0, type this command;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC>csc /target:library /r:System.Data.dll /r:System.Data.Services.Client.dll /out:C:\OutPutClassName.dll C:\OutPutClassName.cs
Above command will get you class library dll in .Net 4.0 framework. - In order to get ..Net 3.5 use this command,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC>csc /target:library /r:System.Data.dll /out:C:\OutPutClassName.dll C:\OutPutClassName.cs